Musiker, Ensembles / Musicians, Ensembles
Michael Freimuth − Laute und Guitarre
ensemble sonorizzonte for Ancient and New Music (München)
Mülheimer Zupforchester – von der Renaissance bis zur Moderne
Andreas Stevens − Classical Guitarist – CDs with German guitar music
Trutz Nachtigall − Early Vocal and Instrumental Music from Friedrich Spees‘ Time (Düsseldorf)
Komposition, Publikationen / Composition, Publication
ICEM − Institut for Computermusic and Elektronical Media at Folkwang University of Arts, Essen
Index of Modern and Contemporary Lute Music
Bergmann Edition − Association for publishing music for the guitar (including solo and chamber music for other instruments like mandolin, lute, bass, woodwind, brass, keyboard, voice etc.)
Laute, Gitarre, Instrumentenbau / Lute, Guitare, Instrument Making
Thorsten Sven Lietz − Plucked Instruments Maker
Lute Society, England
Kulturportal / Cultural Portals − Database with contact data of creative artists, locations and institutions in all states of Germany. Culture Portal Germany
Unterrichten / Teaching
Lute Society, England – Lute teachers − Worldwide list of lute teachers
Musikschule am Maintor − Private Music School of Ute-Katharina Bocklenberg, Marktbreit
Musikschule der Stadt Gladbeck − Music School of the City of Gladbeck
YDESCO − Webpage development
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